Hair Care

How to care for your Raw / Virgin hair should certainly be an important subject on your mind, after all you have just made an investment on acquiring your new Fabulous hair!
With proper care, our Fabulous Raw/ Virgin human hair will not mat or tangle and will maintain its silky, luscious state.
When you receive your shipment remove your product from the package and inspect each piece carefully. We take great pride in our product so if there are any issues, please contact us.
When you receive your shipment remove your product from the package and inspect each piece carefully. We take great pride in our product so if there are any issues, please contact us.
You can keep your new hair looking its best by implementing a simple care regimen.
Co Wash All Wefts:
Always properly co-wash your virgin bundles before an install to ensure the best manageability & quality of your hair. To co-wash your bundles, add a small amount of sulfate free moisturizing conditioner to warm water. Let the bundles sit in the water for 10-15 mins. Then brush or comb through the hair and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Whenever possible let hair air dry.
Condition / Hydrate:
Conditioning the hair is vital to its maintenance. After you have shampooed and thoroughly rinsed your hair, apply a generous amount of conditioner to the hair. Gently comb hair with a wide tooth comb, to assure even coverage. Rinse conditioner from your hair with warm water and gently towel or air dry.
Always keep your extensions tangle free. Brush or comb gently and avoid any excess tension. Always comb or brush hair from the bottom up, small sections at a time. The more careful you treat your extensions the longer they will last. Support your attachment when brushing or combing your hair.
Co Wash All Wefts:
Always properly co-wash your virgin bundles before an install to ensure the best manageability & quality of your hair. To co-wash your bundles, add a small amount of sulfate free moisturizing conditioner to warm water. Let the bundles sit in the water for 10-15 mins. Then brush or comb through the hair and rinse thoroughly with warm water. Whenever possible let hair air dry.
Condition / Hydrate:
Conditioning the hair is vital to its maintenance. After you have shampooed and thoroughly rinsed your hair, apply a generous amount of conditioner to the hair. Gently comb hair with a wide tooth comb, to assure even coverage. Rinse conditioner from your hair with warm water and gently towel or air dry.
Always keep your extensions tangle free. Brush or comb gently and avoid any excess tension. Always comb or brush hair from the bottom up, small sections at a time. The more careful you treat your extensions the longer they will last. Support your attachment when brushing or combing your hair.
Heat / Styling Tools:
Heat is your hair’s biggest enemy. The more you use on it, the shorter the lifespan of your hair. Use heat in moderation. Do not use high temperatures. High temperatures can damage the hair, including permanently altering the hair texture.
If you perm, tint, bleach or cellophane the hair, you do it at your own risk. We do not guarantee any hair that has been chemically altered. If you must chemically alter it, then be sure to do a test strand first. This will allow you to test how the hair will hold up to the chemicals.
Please read the labels of all hair products carefully. Do not use any of the hair products recommended if you are allergic to the product or to any ingredient in the hair care product.
Hair Care Products:
Avoid hair products that contain alcohol which can make the hair very dry. Also remember that many styling products can cause build up over time. It is recommended that you shampoo and deep condition your hair extensions once or twice a month to remove build-up. Build-up can make the hair dry and can cause tangling.
Heat is your hair’s biggest enemy. The more you use on it, the shorter the lifespan of your hair. Use heat in moderation. Do not use high temperatures. High temperatures can damage the hair, including permanently altering the hair texture.
If you perm, tint, bleach or cellophane the hair, you do it at your own risk. We do not guarantee any hair that has been chemically altered. If you must chemically alter it, then be sure to do a test strand first. This will allow you to test how the hair will hold up to the chemicals.
Please read the labels of all hair products carefully. Do not use any of the hair products recommended if you are allergic to the product or to any ingredient in the hair care product.
Hair Care Products:
Avoid hair products that contain alcohol which can make the hair very dry. Also remember that many styling products can cause build up over time. It is recommended that you shampoo and deep condition your hair extensions once or twice a month to remove build-up. Build-up can make the hair dry and can cause tangling.